Our capabilities
We spent 15 years working out how to build saleG8. Then we built it. How does this make us capable I hear you ask?
Well imagine every sort of livestock sale, selling every sort of animal. Yes we have some sales where our clients sell high value stud stock and some sales where they sell chickens :). Now imagine every conceivable way of charging a commission, paying a rebate, calculating earnings and other charges. Now imagine an area that covers all of Australia and New Zealand. Now add to that, two traceability systems (NLIS in Australia and NAIT in NZ) where we use RFID’s to trace the movements of livestock.
Now imagine all the different adjustments that could be made to a sale, like wrong vendor, wrong buyer, wrong quantity, wrong weight, insurance claim, wrong GST, etc.
Then we said, well we built this system to be commodity independent, meaning we can user customise screens, field names, menu items, etc. So what happens if we now want to sell fine art or even sell short term holidays? Could this be done through the same system. Well the answer is yes 🙂
Well we have been doing this for 25 years. Ok…I hear you say stop.
Accounting System
Our accounting system is uniquely designed for the multi-part transaction. The multi-part transaction is a term we give to the three way nature of the transaction. Not just a supplier and a customer, but a supplier, an agency, and a customer or buyer. As a result we define our clients into their logical business groups, rather than the traditional accounts receivable and accounts payable. You can still have these breakups if you want, but saleG8 lets you go beyond this.
Every client entity in the system has the same access to all accounting operations. In traditional accounting systems, accounts payable was the only type of client that had access to payments. In saleG8 any client can be paid or can receipt money.
Within the logical business groupings of clients, each grouping can have different terms, i.e. due in 7 days, due in 30 or at the end of the month.
Bank Reconciliations and Profit / Loss + Balance Sheet Reporting are all part of the full functioned accounting system that is part of saleG8. Trust accounting is also available. Trust us 🙂

Clearing Sale Systems
Our Clearing Sale System can be loaded on to a laptop and taken to a sale. It runs offline, meaning it does need the internet to operate. It can also be networked to add additional workstations at the point of sale if needed.
The Clearing Sale System allows for pre lot entry or entry of lots on the go. It allows for pre buyer registration or buyer registration on the go. You can print a tax invoice as well as take payment of cash, cheque, other, payment on account or a combination.

Disaster Recovery Service
Rather than wait for it to happen you really need this service. saleG8 will backup its data and send it off site automatically. Where, if in the unlikely situation of a system failure, the data can be loaded into our cloud system. The service includes the use of our cloud system until your server is repaired.
This DRS feature has saved the bacon on many occasion. Sadly after people get a scare (i.e. when their server nearly dies) they opt into the service. Don’t wait! For the cost of a cup of coffee per day, your system is replicated offsite. We monitor the DRS logs everyday to ensure we have received your backup.

eScan RFID apps
Another new application from the house of Myco. This little app connects via BlueTooth to your RFID scanner and collects data, sending it directly into your saleG8 system to create sales and lots. It has been used for calf sales and in the new Sheep EID trails happening Victoria, Australia.
The app can run in PRE or POST sale mode. Meaning it can collect data to create pre sale information or lots prior to sale. In post sale mode, the system will add price and buyer information to the lot.
The system can be used in the field by agents to create private sales and collect RFID’s so the traceability transfers can be done,
Currently this app runs on Android devices as this is the most compatible device for scanners used.